School Board Self-Assessment

Screen Shot 2015-08-21 at 8.45.32 AMThe School Board Self-Assessment, based on board standards and performance indicators developed by a broad cross-section of Alaskans in 1998, is now available online. The assessment should be viewed as an opportunity to improve how the board works—not just a critique of its operations. The purpose is to identify expectations and strategies that will help the board and superintendent enhance the performance of the district and improve student outcomes.

This is not meant to be an assessment of individual board members, but of your school board as a whole. Full board participation is important. Begin the process by talking with the other members of your board to agree to participate in the assessment. Skillful handling of the review can result in a discussion that focuses on the identification of potential solutions to a problem, rather than a rehashing of the events or issues that led to a concern.

As always, the AASB Board Development team is available for district workshops to help with the review of the assessment and the development of an improvement plan. Contact Tiffany Jackson or Jenni Lefing for more information, or call (907) 463-1660.