Here are answers to questions we are frequently asked.
Got a question? Email Katie Oliver or Jenni Lefing
- Does every board policy update need to go before the school board for approval?
- Is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) considered a contract? Does the board approve MOUs or MOAs?
- How soon after the election should the board meet to reorganize positions? Is it okay to wait until our next regular meeting?
- Can I run for my local school board if I have a relative working in the school district?
- When a motion has been postponed to a definite time (for example the next meeting), does there need to be a motion made to bring it back to the body?
- How does the board offer guidance on public comments during a meeting?
- Can the Superintendent meet with each Board member in succession, or is this a violation of the open meetings act?
- When can someone ask for a reconsideration of their vote made during a meeting, and how does reconsidering a vote work?
- What happens when a School Board finds it has a vacancy?
- If we appoint a new school board member to replace someone who has resigned, do they serve for the remainder of the original member’s term?
- Can the Board Chair call The Question to close debate and lead to vote on a motion??
- Do we need to keep paper copies of all agendas and minutes?
- Where would public comments fit in the agenda?
- Does a student representative on the board have the opportunity to vote?
- When we appoint a new school board member to take over for someone who has stepped down, are they appointed to fill the entire length of that board member’s term?
- How many school board members can be on a committee of the board?
- Are Boards allowed to administer an oath of office to someone via Zoom?
- How is it determined how many school board members are on a school board?
- How does a board determine conflict of interest on a vote?
- Are school districts required to record their board meetings?
- Can an item be removed from a meeting agenda once the agenda has been published?
- Are position transfers/changes of certificated staff something the Board must approve?
- How can we communicate our district’s mission and vision to the public?
- When do new board members have to be seated following the certification of the election?
- Do Administrative Regulations (AR’s) need to be officially adopted like policies do?
- Our board would like to start holding workshops so we can have a deeper discussion about issues than board meetings typically allow. How do we post for a work session?
- Does the chair have the same rights as other board members? Can they make, second and vote on motions?
- Can you add items to the agenda AT the meeting?
- If our Board loses a quorum during an Executive Session, can action be taken when we return to the open meeting?
- Does AASB keep a record of the standing committees each district’s board members serve on?
- What requirements are there to serve on the School Board?
- What is the Consent Agenda process?
- What does censuring a board member mean?
- Can a board be polled, either by phone or email, on an action item if it has been discussed at a prior meeting?
- Our board has a vacant seat right now, so there is the potential for a tied vote. What are the school board’s procedures when it comes to breaking a tie when voting?
- Due to a resignation, we had to fill our Vice President’s seat. Do we have to reorganize the entire board?
- When adopting or updating a policy, are motions required for both the first and second readings?
- Can reserve funds the district has set aside in a capital improvement fund be transferred to our reserve fund if it needed for other items?
- Is Board approval needed for staff changes made by the superintendent?
- What items are appropriate for the Consent Agenda?
- What is the difference between Tabling, Postponing, Reconsidering and Rescinding a motion?
- After certification of an election, when does the board need to reorganize?
- Do budget items that exceed the district policy limit require additional board approval to purchase?
- What are best practices for addressing emailed public comments at virtual board meetings?
- What actions does the board need to take for receiving CARES Act funding?
- If our Board has the capability for online remote voting, and the voting results are displayed for the board and the public on the screen (and captured in the recording), is there a need for roll call voting to be done?
- What happens when the public wants to engage in conversation during a meeting?
- Where should the superintendent’s evaluation go on the board agenda?
- Our meeting agenda includes curriculum maps for approval. Is this different than adopting a curriculum that gives the public time to review and provide feedback before the board approves it?
- When AASB produces updates on board policy who adds these to our board policy, which is online?
- When do boards have committee and working sessions? How is this different from executive session, as both seem to be private?
- What is a board member’s role on a standing committee of the board?
- What constitutes an excused absence?
- Does the board approve the hiring of new personnel?
- What is the board’s role and oversight in the district’s involvement with grants?
- Why is our superintendent an ex-officio member of our board?
- How do I add an agenda item after the agenda has been posted?
- Why does the AASB Superintendent Search Application Form state “The superintendent position requires an Alaska Type B certificate with a superintendent endorsement.”?
- What are the reasons a board can go into executive session?
- Regarding Superintendent recruitment and selection, is there board policy or state statute concerning how school boards recruit and hire either the superintendents’ position or a chief school administrator?
- What does it mean to censure a board member? When would a board take such action?
- What is the process for filling a vacant seat on our board?
- Are there, or will there be, any updated policies specifically related to Sexual Assault & Dating Violence?
- Is there a statute regarding an Advisory School Board (ASB) holding an executive session?
- Is there a generic ‘job description’ for board members on committees?
- When filling a vacant board slot, what questions should applicants be asked during interviews?
- Should a School Board’s by-laws state the amount of time a board meeting should be in session (ie. 7-9PM or 6-10PM?)
- What are the rules on making the newly elected Board Members official after an election. How many days do we have?
- When a site closes in a Regional Educational Attendance Area (REAA) can sites still have an Advisory School Board?
- My board is wanting to go paperless, what can AASB do to help us with this?
- What are the kinds of workshops that AASB can offer my board or APC?
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