June Nelson Memorial Scholarship
The Association of Alaska School Boards is proud to announce its 34th Annual Scholarship Award Competition, opening in November 2024-April 2025. The June Nelson Memorial Scholarship is named in honor of the late June Nelson, a longtime school board member from Kotzebue. June contributed much to the cause of education and will be remembered for her outstanding service to Alaska’s children. This scholarship is made possible and funded by individual contributions of school board members and administrators from across the state!
This 2024-2025 school year, AASB will award up to fifteen $1,500 scholarships to students to apply toward their post-secondary education. Up to two of these may be awarded to returning college sophomores, and up to two scholarships may specifically be given to students planning to attend trade/vocational schools.
How You Can Support the Scholarship
Each November, on Friday evening of the AASB Annual Conference, the June Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser is held. At this event, students present items donated by school boards and school board members from across Alaska to an eager crowd of auction participants. If you would like to donate an item to this auction, please email aasb@aasb.org or call 907-463-1660. Last-minute donations will also be accepted onsite during the conference.
All AASB Annual Conference attendees receive a ticket to the fundraiser as a part of their conference registration.
Make a PayPal or Credit Card donation to the June Nelson Memorial Scholarship

Who Was June Nelson?
AASB is pleased to honor the late June Nelson, a long-time school board member from Kotzebue. June contributed much to the cause of education through her long career as a school board member. She had many accomplishments during her service as an education activist. She served on the Northwest Arctic Borough School Board and was appointed by two different governors to serve on the State Board of Education. June gave unselfishly of herself. She served on numerous local and statewide committees in a demonstration of commitment to her community.
We remember June for her ability to make us laugh when we were in the midst of an intense debate. She could fiercely disagree with you on an issue and yet set it aside to maintain a friendly, respectful relationship. She challenged us to be the best we could be. She filled our lives with laughter and fun times. Most important, we will remember June for her outstanding service on behalf of Alaska’s children.