Early Childhood Resources

This list is intended to provide a sampling of primary resources available as of October 2020 within the large network of programs and services supporting young children and their families in Alaska. If you have suggestions for other early childhood resources that should be added to this list, contact Emily Ferry eferry@aasb.org or Lori Grassgreen lgrassgreen@aasb.org

For more about why early childhood education matters, and what it looks like in Alaska, visit our Early Childhood page

Key Resources for School Boards and Administrators, Early Childhood Professionals, and Community Members

Examples of School Districts’ Early Childhood Policies

Click on the district to get to their website policy page. Then use the search bar and type in “early childhood”, “preschool”, and “kindergarten” (be sure to include quotation marks) and search for each topic to find various policies that relate to early childhood education.

AASB Early Childhood Resolutions, Reports and Articles

For Families and Caregivers

Early Childhood Education

Health/Mental Health

Other Related Alaska Plans

Other Alaska Reports and Resources