Preschool Development Grant 2019-2020
Alaska Early Childhood Strategic Plan Finalized and Available Here (posted 9/22/2020)

Now available to Alaskans around the state interested in improving early childhood education, Early Childhood Alaska: A Strategic Direction for 2020-2025 is a new five-year strategic plan outlining a series of bold actions to benefit children, prenatal through age eight, their families and communities with equitable access to resources, quality affordable care and education and every opportunity to succeed.
The plan is available here.
Also available here is a report on the planning process with appendices and an infographic brochure summarizing the plan.
To accomplish its goals, the plan offers 12 objectives, 38 strategies and 123 action steps to foster:
- Strong and resilient families and communities
- Integrated physical, mental and dental health
- Family partnerships
- Accessibility, affordability and high quality in early education
- Smooth educational transitions for all children
- Elevation of the early childhood system
- Strategic funding
- Data integration and accountability
- A strong early childhood workforce
- Coordinated implementation of the plan
AASB served as coordinator for the plan with guidance from Alaska’s Early Childhood Joint Task Force (JTF) and assistance from contractor Denali Daniels + Associates. The plan was funded by the state’s first Preschool Development Grant (PDG) from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services awarded to the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development in partnership with the Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services.
For the past nine months, more than 400 parents and family members, educators, early childhood professionals, tribal entities, health care providers and community members participated during in-person meetings, virtual meetings, a statewide online survey and a lengthy process of feedback and review.
The completed plan is a product of intensive work by the JTF, an ad hoc advisory group of more than 20 public and private entities, and an 8-member Leadership Team. The JTF is recommending the plan be adopted by the Alaska Early Childhood Coordinating Council (AECCC). Some activities called for in the plan are already underway through other initiatives.
A Needs Assessment of Alaska’s Mixed-Delivery System of Early Childhood Care and Education, on which the strategic plan was based, has already been released (see prior news and links posted 7/1/20 below). It was completed by the McDowell Group and coordinated by AASB with PDG funding.
You can also find more information and reports on the strategic planning process as well as all the final strategic plan and needs assessment documents on the Early Childhood Alaska website www.earlychildhoodalaska.com
If you would like a printed version of any of the strategic plan or needs assessment documents or a thumb drive containing all of the documents, you may contact AASB by emailing aasb@aasb.org. A limited number of printed copies and thumb drives are available free of charge.
Early Childhood in Alaska is the Focus of New Studies and Statewide Plan (posted 8/11/2020)
A new strategic plan, Early Childhood Alaska: A Strategic Direction for 2020-2025 will soon be available to Alaskans around the state interested in improving early childhood education. The plan was completed in late June and is being reviewed by federal funders. After final revisions, it will be widely distributed and its recommendations used as a guide to make changes to the system over the next five years.
AASB served as coordinator for the plan with contractor Denali Daniels + Associates and with guidance from Alaska’s Early Childhood Joint Task Force. The plan was funded by the state’s first Preschool Development Grant (PDG) from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services awarded to the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development in partnership with the Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services.
A Needs Assessment of Alaska’s Mixed-Delivery System of Early Childhood Care and Education, on which the strategic plan was based, has already been released to the public (see prior news and links posted 7/1/20 below). It was completed by the McDowell Group and coordinated by AASB with PDG funding.
In addition, the All Alaska Pediatric Partnership (A2P2) has released its study, Alaska Early Childhood Environmental Scan & Baseline Report on the Condition of Young Children, June 2020 which can be accessed here. AASB supported A2P2’s scan with some of its PDG funding to coordinate gathering and analyzing of data for the needs assessment and the scan.
For more information contact Betsy Brenneman, Preschool Development Grant Coordinator at bbrenneman@aasb.org
Alaska Early Childhood Needs Assessment Now Available Posted 7-1-2020
After a lengthy process of in-state review followed by a federal review process, A Needs Assessment of Alaska’s Mixed-Delivery System of Early Childhood Care and Education, is available here.
The appendices that accompany the report are available here.

PDFs of the report and its appendices are also available at the bottom of this page under “Alaska’s Early Childhood Needs Assessment.”
The statewide needs assessment was completed at the end of December 2019, by the McDowell Group under contract to AASB. It was funded by a Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG) from the federal Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families awarded to the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development (DEED) in partnership with the Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services (DHSS). AASB entered into an agreement with DEED to coordinate PDG grant activities with a focus on completing a statewide early childhood needs assessment and, based on the findings of the needs assessment, a statewide strategic plan. The early childhood strategic plan has just been completed and will be reviewed by federal funders and then made widely available.
For more information email Betsy Brenneman, AASB’s PDG Coordinator.
New Strategic Plan for Alaska’s Early Childhood System Nears Completion Posted 5-15-2020
The draft strategic plan for Alaska’s early childhood system is currently being reviewed by more than 200 educators, parents, health care providers, caregivers, social service agencies, school board members, program administrators, funders and other stakeholders around the state. In development since October, “Early Childhood Alaska: A Strategic Direction for 2020-2025” will provide goals, strategies and actions to strengthen and improve the state’s complex, fragmented network of programs and services that make up the early childhood system. It is on track to be completed in June.

The plan can be a guide for anyone in the state with young children from prenatal to age eight, and those who work with or provide services to those children and their families. With findings from a statewide needs assessment completed in December, the draft plan was created with the ideas, concerns and involvement of over 500 Alaskans and hundreds of hours of work by the Early Childhood Joint Task Force and its leadership team assisted by contractor Denali Daniels + Associates.
In-person meetings took place with families and those who work for and with young children in Kodiak, Bethel and Kotzebue; with AASB members during two annual gatherings; with statewide attendees at the Anchorage Association for the Education of Young Children conference; with members of the Kindergarten Ready Network in Anchorage; and with the Alaska Head Start Association.
Two statewide video conferences gathered input from tribal administrators of early childhood programs. When Covid-19 cut short plans for planned in-person community meetings, a regional video and phone conference with a large number of Interior villages was organized by Tanana Chiefs Conference and another took place with residents of communities on Prince of Wales Island who work in the early childhood system. Families in Anchorage participated in a video conference, families in Minto offered their ideas via video conference and phone, and 300 Alaskans responded to an online survey in March.
Members of the Alaska Early Childhood Coordinating Council joined with the Early Childhood Joint Task Force in two video conference work sessions in late March and early April to help move the plan to the draft version currently being reviewed.
“Early Childhood Alaska: A Strategic Direction for 2020-2025” and the needs assessment on which it was based were funded by the federal Preschool Development Grant awarded to the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development and coordinated by AASB.
For up-to-date information and resources:
- Visit www.earlychildhoodalaska.com or email earlychildhoodalaska@gmail.com
- Contact AASB’s Preschool Development Grant Coordinator, Betsy Brenneman.
Alaskans Around the State Help Build the New Early Childhood Strategic Plan Posted 2-19-2020
AASB continues its work coordinating the new statewide strategic plan for Alaska’s early childhood system with guidance, concerns and suggestions from around the state. Families, caregivers, parents, early childhood teachers, administrators, school board members and funders from a variety of communities and members of the advisory Early Childhood Joint Task Force have been actively sharing their passion and ideas to improve early childhood care and education with contractor Denali Daniels + Associates. The new strategic plan and the needs assessment on which it is based were funded by the federal Preschool Development Grant (PDG) awarded to the Alaska Department of Education.
Communities visited so far include Kodiak, Bethel, and Kotzebue, with upcoming visits to Klawock/Prince of Wales Island, Interior Alaska, and the Anchorage/Mat-Su area. Presentations and/or engagement sessions have occurred with members of the Alaska Early Childhood Coordinating Council; AASB; Kindergarten Ready Network; AEYC-Anchorage, tribal administrators and statewide Head Start directors.
To stay up to date on the project visit:
- Visit earlychildhoodalaska.com
- Email earlychildhoodalaska@gmail.com
- Contact AASB’s Preschool Development Grant Coordinator Betsy Brenneman
Kodiak families and early childhood providers were enthusiastic participants during three meetings held during the first site visit on December 10, 2019. After three intense work group sessions on the strategic plan framework, the full Early Childhood Joint Task Force advisory body came together on January 27, 2020 to hammer out draft goals of the plan. Bethel families, teachers, program administrators and health care providers spoke out at two meetings on February 4, 2020 about what their region needs to improve early childhood care and education. The family-friendly community meeting in Kotzebue drew a large crowd of adults and children on February 10, 2020 and resulted in concrete ideas to include in the new early childhood strategic plan.
Statewide Early Childhood Needs Assessment Completed and Community Meetings for the New Strategic Plan in Full Swing Posted 1-29-20
A Needs Assessment of Alaska’s Mixed-Delivery System of Early Childhood Care and Education has been completed by McDowell Group for AASB. After final approval by the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development (DEED) and federal funders it will be posted, publicized and widely distributed. The needs assessment was coordinated by AASB with funding from the federal Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG) awarded to DEED.
A new statewide early childhood strategic plan, also coordinated by AASB with PDG funding from DEED, is well underway and is based largely on data and considerations from the needs assessment. Denali Daniels + Associates (DDA) of Anchorage and Juneau has designed and facilitated a number of meetings around the state with the Early Childhood Joint Task Force, AASB members, the ad hoc Kindergarten Ready Network in Anchorage and families and early childhood professionals in Kodiak to create the framework and goals of the plan. Parents, families and early childhood educators around the state will build on that framework in February. Meetings are scheduled so far in Bethel on 2/4, Alaska Association for the Education of Young Children-Anchorage on 2/6 and 2/7, and Kotzebue on 2/10. In addition, an Interior community and one in Southeast will be visited, several tribal engagement sessions will take place and meetings in Anchorage and Mat-Su are planned in partnership with Southcentral Foundation. With the passion and hard work of many around the state, the new early childhood strategic plan will be completed by the end of April.
For more information about the early childhood strategic planning process and the needs assessment contact Betsy Brenneman, Preschool Development Grant Coordinator at AASB, bbrenneman@aasb.org
Community members discuss early childhood education in Kodiak, Kodiak Daily Mirror, December 12, 201
Statewide Early Childhood Strategic Planning Launched While Needs Assessment Nears Completion Posted 11-19-19
A new comprehensive strategic planning process is underway for Alaska’s early childhood care and education system, coordinated by AASB on behalf of the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development (DEED) with federal funding from the Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDGB-5). Denali Daniels + Associates (DDA) of Anchorage and Juneau submitted the top-ranked proposal to design and write the strategic plan as selected by a five-member review team convened by AASB. DDA began work at a strategic planning meeting of Alaska’s Early Childhood Joint Task Force on October 2, 2019. More engagement sessions and stakeholder meetings took place Nov. 6 and Nov. 8 during AASB’s Annual Conference in Anchorage and many more, including site visits to at least four rural regional hubs, are scheduled for mid-late November and early December.
At the same time, the Needs Assessment of Alaska’s Mixed-Delivery System of Early Childhood Care and Education is being finalized. The needs assessment will provide baseline data and findings to guide the strategic planning process. It was also made possible with federal funds from PDGB-5 awarded to DEED and was also coordinated by AASB.
For more information about the early childhood strategic planning process and needs assessment contact Betsy Brenneman, Preschool Development Grant Coordinator at AASB, bbrenneman@aasb.org
Preschool Development Grant Statewide Strategic Plan Update Posted 9-30-19
A five-member review team from various parts of the state, met on Sept. 5 and again on Sept. 20 and came to consensus on four robust proposals from vendors interested in developing a comprehensive strategic plan for Alaska’s mixed delivery system of early childhood care and education focused on low-income, rural and vulnerable children from prenatal through age 8.
The teams’ final ratings were very close and each vendor offered unique ideas and special skills. Meetings have begun with the top-ranked vendor and an announcement will be made once a contract is finalized. The strategic plan will be underway in mid-October based on findings a statewide needs assessment also being coordinated by AASB for the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development. The plan will be guided by the Early Childhood Joint Task Force and the reactions and suggestions of parents, communities, educators, tribes, child care providers and other early childhood stakeholders. The Preschool Development Grant is funded by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and the US Dept. of Education with matching funds from the AK Dept. of Education and Early Development.
Request for Proposals – Preschool Development Grant Strategic Plan Posted 8-14-19
AASB is soliciting proposals from highly qualified individuals or organizations to design a strategic planning process and write a comprehensive, collaborative statewide strategic plan for Alaska’s mixed delivery system of early childhood care and learning for low-income, disadvantaged, and rural Alaska children ages prenatal through 8 and their families. Interested vendors can access the RFP here. Proposals are due no later than 5pm, Friday, August 30, 2019. A pre-proposal webinar will be offered to answer vendor questions on Mon. August 19, 2019 at 10:30am Alaska time. For information, contact Betsy Brenneman, Preschool Development Grant Coordinator, bbrenneman@aasb.org, 907-463-1676 or 907-463-1660 (main).
Statewide Early Childhood Needs Assessment Underway Posted 8-12-19
McDowell Group of Juneau and Anchorage has been selected by AASB to conduct a comprehensive statewide needs assessment of Alaska’s mixed delivery system of early care and learning services primarily for low-income, rural and disadvantaged children ages prenatal through eight and their families. Funding is from the federal Preschool Development Grant B-5 (PDG) to the Alaska Dept. of Education and Early Development (DEED) which signed an agreement with AASB to coordinate grant activities. The needs assessment along with stakeholder and community input will form the basis of a statewide strategic plan intended to maximize availability of early childhood care and education options for families, improve quality, streamline administrative infrastructure, facilitate collaboration among existing programs, and improve funding efficiencies. For more information contact Betsy Brenneman, PDG Coordinator, bbrenneman@aasb.org
Preschool Development Grant Needs Assessment Update Posted 7-16-19
On July 11, a five-member review team from various parts of the state, met, rated and came to consensus on three robust proposals from vendors interested in conducting a needs assessment of Alaska’s mixed delivery system of early childhood care and education focusing on low-income, disadvantaged and rural children. The final ratings were very close and each vendor offered unique ideas and special skills. Meetings are beginning with the top-ranked vendor and an announcement will be made once a contract is finalized. The needs assessment will form the backbone of a statewide early childhood strategic plan which also will be coordinated by AASB. The Preschool Development Grant is funded by the US Dept. of Health and Human Services and the US Dept. of Education with matching funds from the AK Dept. of Education and Early Development.
Request for Proposals Open – Preschool Development Grant Needs Assessment
AASB is soliciting proposals from highly qualified individuals or organizations to conduct a comprehensive statewide needs assessment of the mixed delivery system of early care and learning services for low-income, disadvantaged and rural Alaska children ages birth to five. Interested vendors can access the RFP here. Proposals are due no later than 5pm, Monday, July 8, 2019. A pre-proposal webinar will be offered to answer questions from interested vendors on Fri. June 14, 2019 at 10:00am Alaska Time. For information contact Betsy Brenneman, Preschool Development Grant Coordinator, bbrenneman@aasb.org, 907-463-1676 or 907-463-1660 (main).
Alaska’s Early Childhood Strategic Plan
Early Childhood Alaska: A Strategic Direction for 2020-2025, June 2020
Early Childhood Alaska Planning Process Report/Appendices
Strategic Plan Summary Brochure Readable
Strategic Plan Summary Brochure Printable 8.5 x 14
Alaska’s Early Childhood Needs Assessment
NA Summary Brochure Readable Digital (PDF)
NA Summary Brochure Printable Digital 8.5×14 (PDF)
8-13-19 PDG Strategic Plan RFP FINAL
6-11-19 PDG Needs Assessment RFP FINAL 6-11-19
Examples of Strategic Plans from Other States
North Carolina Early Childhood Action Plan Report
Colorado Early Childhood Framework
Philadelphia Citywide Plan to Improve Early Learning
Raise Up Oregon Plan 2019-2023
Michigan – Great Start – Great Investment – Great_Future
New Mexico Early Childhood – Business Plan Report
Washington State – Early Learning Plan, Executive Summary
Hawaii – Early Childhood State Plan Comprehensive
CA Blue Ribbon Commission – FinalReport – April 2019
Montana Strategic Plan 2019-2024
The project described was supported by the Preschool Development Grant Birth through Five Initiative (PDG B-5), Grant Number 90TP0012, from the Office of Child Care, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. . Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Office of Child Care, the Administration for Children and Families, or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.