What We Do


The mission of the Association of Alaska School Boards is to advocate for children and youth by assisting school boards in providing quality public education, focused on student achievement, through effective local governance.


The Association of Alaska School Boards is an organization representing school boards in Alaska. Our membership consists of more than 330 individual board members, responsible for students who attend Alaska’s public schools. Associate members include school superintendents, advisory school boards, charter school APC’s, the State Board of Education, the Commissioner of Education and the Special Education Service Agency.

A 15-member Board of Directors, consisting of 11 directors and four officers, governs AASB. The Board, elected by membership at the Annual Conference, represents all regions of the state. The membership, as a whole, passes the resolutions, which establish the positions taken by the Association before the legislature and other agencies throughout the year.

Alaska School District Map


AASB prides itself on offering a variety of relevant, innovative services to our membership. Our experienced staff will work with your district, schools, board, and community to meet your needs in improving and sustaining high student achievement.

Visit our Services page to learn more.

AASB’s Upcoming Events

Foundational Documents

The Belief Statements and Core Resolutions of the Association of Alaska School Boards are adopted by the membership and compiled into the Where We Stand document each year. This document, along with AASB’s Long Range Plan, Constitution and Bylaws, Policy Manual, and Equity Statement serve to set our priorities and guide our mission.

Visit the Foundational Documents page.

AASB honors and respects the Ancestral Lands on which all Alaskans live, work, play, and learn and encourages activities and practices that acknowledge and recognize the past and present stewardship of these lands.

Map icon.

Association of Alaska School Boards
1111 W. 9th Street
Juneau, Alaska 99801

phone (907) 463-1660

fax (907) 586-2995
