Legislative Advocacy

Advocating at the legislative level for education is about making your voice heard and taking action that involves acting on behalf of your school district. AASB relies on school board members to use their voice to advocate for students and public education in Alaska.

As elected officials, you have the utmost responsibility to the students and staff in your schools, as well as the communities they serve, which is why a school board member’s role as an advocate for public education is a fundamental responsibility of every school board member.

Legislative advocacy includes:

  • Becoming familiar with AASB’s legislative priorities [insert link] that are developed each year for AASB’s legislative advocacy focus.   
  • Staying informed of proposed legislation that may impact your school district.
  • Getting to know your legislators and their staff. Invite them into your schools and provide them with important information about your districts.

Services Available

AASB provides a variety of services to help school board members stay informed during legislative sessions, and opportunities to connect with your legislators.


AASB’s Executive Director coordinates AASB’s grassroots lobbying efforts and works to ensure school board representatives are prepared to lobby during each legislative session. AASB promotes pro-education legislation and protects the principle of local control of public education.

“The Session” Newsletter

To keep you informed of the latest developments, all members are emailed The Session newsletter each Monday morning during legislative sessions. It contains up-to-date information and analysis of current priority education issues, bills, and committee actions impacting your district.

Committee Testimony & Text Alerts

AASB’s Executive Director is frequently called upon to provide expert testimony and input on education legislation.

At key points during the legislative session AASB will issue email and text Calls To Action to alert board members of opportunities to offer their testimony on priority education bills.

AASB Text Alerts keep members informed of opportunities to testify on key education legislation.

“[Attending the AASB Legislative Fly-Ins] built confidence in being able to address legislators on key educational issues that will affect all of us” – Alaska School Board Member

Legislative Fly-Ins & Youth Advocacy Institute

Each legislative session, AASB hosts a fly-in that offers board members & district leaders the opportunity to speak with a unified voice as they meet face to face with legislators and governmental officials. Your voice is heard as you collaborate with AASB to identify legislative talking points and provide testimony at committee hearings.

During the fly-in, AASB also hosts a Youth Advocacy Institute (YAI)  where students attend workshops on bill research, advocacy and  how to give testimony. Students develop skills in legislative advocacy, while building confidence to make an impact in their state. The students’ experience culminates with participation in committee meetings which offers them opportunities to testify and learn about the legislative process in “real-time.”

Federal Relations Network

AASB is your link to the National School Boards Association’s Federal Relations Network (FRN).  This is your opportunity to become involved with the legislative process at the national level. The FRN provides a unique opportunity for local school board members to be engaged with their members of Congress.

Learn more about NSBA’s Federal Relations Network

“Learning the processes of being ready to speak with legislators about what bills our district say is important.” – Alaska School Board Member  
