ASK AASB: Regarding Superintendent recruitment and selection, is there board policy or state statute concerning how school boards recruit and hire either the superintendents’ position or a chief school administrator?
A: AASB does not have a recommended policy that specifies any particular procedure for the recruitment and hiring of a superintendent or chief school administrator. This practice is generally left to the discretion of the board, which provides the greatest flexibility for each local circumstance. Most school boards in Alaska using the AASB model policies have BP4111 and BP4211 (and some had an administrative regulation that accompanies this policy) which address the recruitment and hiring of certificated personnel. These policies generally pertain to the process by which the district (through the superintendent) hires other administrators and certificated teachers. It does not specifically pertain to the process for hiring or appointing a superintendent or chief school administrator.
State statute does not specify any particular process that a board must use in hiring or appointing either a superintendent or chief school administrator except that it must meet all applicable state laws regarding public school employment. The board may establish procedures for appointing, recruiting and hiring a superintendent or chief school administrator which best fits its needs and the district. The board must still conform to the Alaska Open Meetings Act and must make sure that all board action is taken in an appropriately noticed public meeting. The board may use an executive session to interview candidates or potential appointees and discuss terms of employment as this falls within the realm of personnel issues that are considered privileged and protected.
State administrative code 4 AAC 12.345 defines the requirements for qualifying for a Type B superintendent endorsement for Alaska. State statute 14.14.130 declares that a school board may hire a chief school administrator, which may or may not have a current Type B superintendents endorsement.
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Got a question? Email Timi Tullis or Lon Garrison.
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