Resources for Parents and Educators with Students at Home

In March 2020, Alaska schools were closed in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Teachers, parents, and caregivers were searching for new ways to deliver instruction and daily activities that were educational, creative and entertaining for students. For those facing this challenge, this list of online resources was developed to help.
Alaska Books
- A collection of twenty interactive children’s storybooks books in Denaakk’e and English. These books were a collaboration between the Yukon-Koyukuk School District and AASB, created during a series of two-day “Book Slam” workshops held in Y-K schools. Students, teachers, elders, community members, and district staff were involved in illustrating, translating, and narrating the books, which feature local stories, language, and culture.
- A collection of three interactive children’s storybooks books in Yup’ik and English. These books were a collaboration between the Yupiit School District and AASB, created during a series of two-day “Book Slam” workshops held in Yupiit schools. Students, teachers, elders, community members, and district staff were involved in illustrating, translating, and narrating the books, which feature local stories, language, and culture.
- Yup’ik Immersion video book: Qaltayak Aquiyaryugyaaquq is about a girl named Qaltayak who wants to play outside, but there is a storm outside. Instead, Qaltayak plays inside her home. She waits until the next day, when the weather is good, to play outside. It is a Yup’ik belief that the “ella” or universe/nature hunts those who do not respect it. In Yup’ik culture, the weather is an essential part of daily life and survival. Traditional knowledge of weather prediction is passed down from generation to generation, and new knowledge learned in this time of climate change is shared to ensure survival. It is important to respect the weather and to stay home when the weather is bad.
- Salmon Boy read in Tlingit Activity: Shanyaak’utlaax̱ learns to be grateful for what he is given throughout the story. Draw a few salmon outlines or any other kind of fish. Ask your children what they are thankful for and write it down on the fish! Can you fill up a whole ocean full of gratitude? Related resources: Sing a salmon song with your child in Lingít by following along with the video here.
- Baby Raven Reads improves early literacy skills by translating cultural strengths into home literacy practices. (Sealaska Heritage Institute)
- Jennifer Garner and Amy Adams enlist celebrities to read children’s books to kids stuck at home
- TokyBook – Little House in the Big Woods Audiobook for kids: Little House, Book 1
- Audible is offering free stories for kids after coronavirus closes schools
Alaska Native / American Indian
- The stress-relieving, storytelling art of yuraq is now available virtually. Atkiq Ilutsik-Snyner teaches yuraq traditional dancing and singing in via Facebook video.
- Center for Native American Youth – Receive updates about the launch of the Tele-Native Youth webinar series and give recommendations of topics you would like to see covered.
- NIEA SURVEY: COVID-19 Education Services and Programs for Native Students
- Sealaska Heritage sponsors Baby Raven Reads, an award-winning program that promotes early-literacy, language development and school readiness for Alaska Native families with children up to age 5. More Information
- ‘What Home Means To Me’ Poster Contest for Tribal Youth
- First Alaskans Institute – Coronavirus Resources
- First Alaskans Institute – Coffee Time with Valerie Davidson, Liz Medicine Crow, and Barbara Blake
- Native Wellness Institute – Native Wellness Power Hour, Facebook Live Daily at Noon – Video Archive
- Yup’ik Immersion video: Qaltayak Aquiyaryugyaaquq is about a girl named Qaltayak who wants to play outside, but there is a storm outside. Instead, Qaltayak plays inside her home. She waits until the next day, when the weather is good, to play outside.
- National Indian Education Association (NIEA) Policy Newsletter – Coronavirus Resources
- NIEA Advocacy to Address COVID-19
- Athabaskan woman blog
- Sealaska Heritage Curricula
- Lessons and resources from the American Indian Museum
- Free Inupiaq Coloring Pages by Nasuġraq Rainey Hopson
- ‘I Paint with Sara’ Alaska artist Sara Squartsoff premiers a new painting tutorial every Monday on her Facebook page
- “Captain Underpants” Writer/Illustrator Dav Pilkey Hosts Virtual Drawing Classes, Readings, and More
- Juneau Artist YouTube video – Watercolor with Me – Topic: Watercolor Supply Basics
- Salmon Sisters – Coloring Pages for you and your kids
- Jay Lee Painting – Layered Petals’ Watercolor Painting Technique
- Bestselling Children’s Author Mo Willems Is Teaching Kids Drawing On YouTube
- Alutiiq Museum – Crafts for Students
- UAS Coloring Pages – Tlingit Birds
- Inupiaq coloring pages by Nasugraq Hopson

Computer Science
- FREE Tynker at Home offer for students learning to code
- – List of computer science scholarships and extensive scholarship database.
Free Digital Cooking Classes For Kids Every Week Day
Distance Learning
- ISTE & Friends: Learning Keeps Going – Curated collection of tips, technology resources, news and expert advice so you can make informed decisions as you provide online learning experiences. There is also a help desk button.
- EdSurge & ISTE: Navigating Uncertain Times: How Schools Can Cope With Coronavirus – A guide with many different articles on “Tips & How To’s, Learning From Other Schools, and Community Resources.”
- EdReimagined: Distance Learning Resource Center – Table of resourcesthat are relevant to distance learning. Topics include: For Learning, For Parents, For Educators, For Communities, For Information and Updates on COVID-19, For Lifting Spirits, Additional Libraries of Resources from Other Organizations
- TNTP: Resources for Learning at Home When Schools Close – List of home learning resources and strategies. They are also doing free planning session for system leaders.
- PIE Network: Rapid Response Resources – Library of resources for a range of audiences from system to family level
- CoSN: COVID-19 Response: Preparing to Take School Online – Preparing to move education outside of traditional physical classrooms in response to COVID19 requires thought, coordination and careful decision-making. This document is a starting point for planning and supporting a significant district transformation.
- EdElements: EDUCATING THROUGH COVID-19: Addressing The Widespread Impact of Coronavirus on Schools – Open-ended learning and sharing opportunities. Real-time support includes free webinars, facilitated drop-in chats, and 1:1 office hours for K-12 leaders on four topics: leadership, teachers, operations, and virtual learning.
- US Dept of Education: Supplemental Fact Sheet Addressing the Risk of COVID-19 in Preschool, Elementary and Secondary Schools While Serving Children with Disabilities – The US Dept of Education sought to put a stop to the growing trend of limiting online instruction in the name of equity with a supplemental fact sheet
- ISTE: 10 strategies for online learning during a coronavirus outbreak – Describes the ISTE framework for schools transitioning to online learning.
- Telecom giants like Comcast, Spectrum, AT&T, etc. are going to provide free wifi access, discounts, etc. Check out and this spreadsheet created by Digital Charlotte.
- LINC Learning: Six steps to planning for online learning – Clear steps to transition schools to distance learning.
- Digital Promise: Online Learning Resources and FAQ – Compilation of resources for online learning
- PBL Works: Resources for Doing PBL from Home – Includes links to projects and lesson that can be modified and done at home over days or weeks.
- PBL Works: When a Current Event Project = Coronavirus – Tips and resources for doing a project on COVID pandemic
- xSEL Labs: SEL in an unplanned home school setting – Ideas for consideration for parents trying to find their way through a combination of instinct and trial and error – a few things that parents as teachers can do right now that can make their teaching experience, and the experience of their children, go well.
Early Childhood
- Early Childhood Education Resource Center
- Ready4K, our virtual parenting curriculum and family engagement tool, free for the rest of the 2019-2020 school year.
Educational Activities
- Free Children’s Book Answers Questions About Coronavirus
- Perot Museum of Nature and Science – Amaze Your Brain at Home: Alaska dinosaurs featured in a new at-home learning program for students of all ages
- Seeing Germs (video) Using Glo powder to demonstrate how germs spread.
- Quick Activities Parents Can Do With Their Kids During Self-Isolation
- NASA STEM Activities for Families
- Cursive Writing Worksheets
- Juneau school closure ideas for kids
- Online Resources & Ideas for Families Unexpectedly Homeschooling
- 25 Ways to Learn at Home with Lego – Elementary/Primary Grades
- 50 Plus Easy Indoor Activities for Kids – Hello Wonderful
- 75+ Entertaining and Educational Activities for When You’re Stuck Indoors – Learn in Color
- 150+ Enrichment Activities for Children While Parents are Working Remotely (Google Doc with lots of ideas for enrichment – some more applicable than others)
- Creating your own videos and stories:
- Scholastic Learn At Home: Free lessons for students of all ages.
- Khan Suggested Schedules: Some at-home schedule suggestions.
- DailyStem: 77 Simple STEM activities for families.
- Wonderopolis: Each day, Wonderopolis poses an intriguing question—the Wonder of the Day®—and allows students to explore it in a variety of ways.
- Families Learning Together: Provides a month’s worth of family literacy activities and practices designed to inspire family memories rooted in imagining, playing, and learning together. (National Center for Families Learning)
- The Smithsonian is offering free quality lessons and activities. The Smithsonian is committed to supporting teachers and their students around the globe as they face unprecedented new learning challenges. They have launched a social media campaign focused on sharing Smithsonian resources with teachers and educators.
Educational Content
- Common Sense Media: Wide Open School – Common Sense and 25 organizations worked together to collect the best digital learning resources.
- LEAP Innovations: Sifting Through the Digital Learning Options – The Most Powerful Personalized Learning Edtech Tools Curated by LEAP
- Quill: Writing and Grammar Resources – Free access to Quill Premium, which is a suite of tools to help improve writing and grammar skills
- Achieve3000: Reading and Literacy Resources – Free access to Achieve3000 and Actively Learn
- ELLevation: Distance Learning Activities for English Language Learners – Activities that will help ELL students better understand videos that are sent by teachers in remote learning
- GoPeer: Students from Harvard, MIT, UC Berkley Give Free Tutoring to K-12 Students – pairs vetted college students who attend top-tier universities with students between the ages of 5–18 for 1-to-1 tutoring lessons.
- UC Davis: At-Home Science Activities, Videos, and Citizen Science for Kids – A compiled list of free indoor and outdoor STEM resources. Check out the links for some of our top choices for at-home, STEM educational resources.
- Cox Campus: Online Preschool – During the Covid-19 crisis, students can enroll for free online pre-school lessons and learning experiences so your child can keep learning at home
- Girls Who Code: Code at Home – In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to school closures and significant disruption to daily life, Girls Who Code is making CS educational activities available for download free of charge.
- MIT Open Learning: Best Online Educational Resources for When You’re Stuck at Home – With Kids! – Resources you should bookmark for the next time you’re ready to throw the iPad out of the window.
- Edutopia: Apps for Students With Special Needs—As School Buildings Shutter – The coronavirus creates a unique challenge for students with special needs—educators share recommendations for apps to support learning at home.
- Transcend: Pop-Up Homeschool Tool: A resource list and schedule generator for parents and educators to help design the day at home
- Newsela: Helping you plan and continue instruction during the COVID-19 crisis – New articles published every day written in multiple reading level! Newsela is offering free access and advice for distance learning.
- Khan Academy: Khan Academy’s remote learning tips and tricks. Sal Khan also made a sample schedule for learning from home using Khan Academy.
- Epic: School Closed? Epic can help. – Epic is like a Netflix for kids books and is free during this time.
- CommonLit: Resources to Support Teleschool Plans: COVID-19 – CommonLit has free and high quality literacy resources.
- ReadWorks: Remote Learning Resource Page – Free literacy resources, curriculum, and tools
- Overdrive: Libby – Many public libraries use Overdrive so check out their Libby app.
- Dreambox: While your kids are at home, keep them engaged in learning with our 90 Day FREE Trial! – Dreambox is a K-8 math online learning program.
- Mangahigh: Full Access to Mangahigh for Distance Learning Maths Amongst COVID-19 School Shutdowns – Mangahigh is now free and contains math content for students aged 5-16(ish).
- Zearn: Distance Learning with Zearn Math – Zearn is a highly rated K-5 math program that is free and is providing lots of distance learning resources.
- Kiddom: Digital Hub for Teaching and Learning – Kiddom is an LMS that includes open education resources (for teachers and students) and is free for teachers.
- Mystery Science: School Closure Planning – Mystery Science has free science lessons for teachers and parents.
- ST Math: Coronavirus Resources – The popular ST Math program is being offered free of charge during this time.
- African American Homeschool Moms: Cultural resources – This website offers a variety of resources including links to TedTalks geared to help African-American parents as they take on the role of teacher.
- Galileo Learning: High-quality, engaging activities – Ignite your child’s inner innovator by adding one hour of Camp Galileo Anywhere to your daily schedule.
- Real Time Curriculum Project: Collections – Curated list of current events resources to build a curriculum for “now.”
- Rock by Rock: Hands-on Learning Projects Delivered – At Rock by Rock our mission is to equip families and educators with the tools, resources, and supports they need to build socially responsible learners who are confident, capable and ready to lead by making our world a better place one rock at a time. (COVID-19 discount)
Educational Tools
- CNN and Sesame Street host town hall to teach kids (and their parents) about COVID-19. Watch the full town hall
- David Attenborough Teaches Virtual Geography Lessons to Kids in Quarantine
- The Smithsonian: A choice board allows caregivers to choose activities and resources based on the technology available to them: no tech, low tech, moderate and high tech options are provided. This board changes every week. Activities Choice Board
- The Smithsonian: a calendar of live events and opportunities to catch Smithsonian webinars, chats with experts, etc. Live Events Calendar.
- American Institutes for Research: Building Positive Conditions for Learning at Home: Strategies and Resources for Families and Caregivers
- Tinkergarten At Home – Helping families get outside to make the most of their kids’ early learning years. Get free weekly activities, how-to guides, and an active online community. DIY Activity Plans
- National Farm to School Network has compiled resources related to COVID-19 that are relevant to the ‘farm to school’ and ‘farm to early care and education’ community.
- School Leadership During Crisis – Audio and Transcript
- Free Achieve3000 Reading & Literacy Resources – Free At-Home Usage and Literacy Plan Tools
- ISTE – 10 strategies for online learning during a coronavirus outbreak
- Teach For All – How to Reach Students Without Internet
- Achieve3000 Webinars – Remote Learning for Educators Browse Topics
- Achieve3000 Webinars – Support and Instruction for Educators and Administrators Browse Topics
- Smithsonian Learning Lab – Virtual Learning Professional Development – Events and Professional Development page for menu of live and on-demand webinars.
- Smithsonian Learning Lab – Visit the Distance Learning Page for resources, trainings, and a full calendar of live events hosted by Smithsonian experts.
- Information for teachers during COVID-19 school closures – Transitioning to remote Learning
- Panorama Education’s Teaching & Learning Team is offering free daily virtual learning sessions for any educators and administrators around (a) building connectedness for students, (b) mindfulness, and (c) using Zoom.
- Vittle – Turn any iPad into a smart whiteboard
- Educational Resources for Parents: A vetted list of educational tools that you can use with your children at home (STAND for Children)
- Alaska Public Media is offering an At Home Learning, a new 12-hour educational schedule for broadcast on KAKM (channel 7.1) as well as free corresponding digital learning media and activities.
- PBS Daily Email for Parents PBS is sending a daily email to families with resources for how to engage the nation’s youngest learners. Just yesterday, the American Pediatric Academy listed PBS as a valuable resource for families during these challenging times. PBS was the only media company mentioned in the article.
- A Toolkit for Supporting Families Impacted by COVID-19
- ParentPowered PBC is offering all Ready4K programs for free through the end of the 2019-2020 school year to US early education providers
- Members of America’s Promise Alliance and their networks have developed and compiled a wide range of resources to help educators, out-of-school-time providers, parents an families, and community leaders support their young people during this unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic.
- Board maker
- Facebook classes and recordings
- List of Education Companies Offering FREE SUBSCRIPTIONS due to school closings
- 50 Educational Websites for Kids When Schools Are Closed #DistanceLearning
- Teaching Tolerance: How to Respond to Coronavirus Racism – As COVID-19 infections increase, so too does racism and xenophobia. Use our “Speak Up” strategies to let people knowyou’re not OK with racist or xenophobic comments about coronavirus or anything else.
- Race + Education Podcast Discussion Group Toolkit – A resource put together by teachers to consider their privilege, racism and equity in the classroom
- Distance Learning During COVID-19: Seven Equity Considerations for Schools & Districts from the Southern Education Foundation
- Equity lessons K-12
- Immigrants Rising: Tangible Support for Undocumented Communities During Covid-19 – Immigrants Rising has put together this list of resources to help undocumented immigrants navigate the Covid-19 crisis.
Fall School Reopening Information
- DEED – Alaska’s Smart Start 2020 Webinar Series and Alaska’s Smart Start 2020 framework graphic
- Analysis: Reopening Schools Will Be a Huge Challenge for Education Leaders. Here Is a Road Map to Help With Their Planning –
- A Looming Financial Meltdown For America’s Schools – NPR
Family Resources
- Keeping Calm with Bedtime Stories. Join us every night at 7 PM Alaska Time (7:30 on Wednesdays) for a different virtual bedtime story on our Facebook page! Dolly Parton herself reads favorites from Imagination Library, as well as other nationally and locally produced storytimes your kids will love.
- Family Coping During the Coronavirus
- Engaging Families Through the Coronavirus Pandemic – National Organizations Share Their Plans
- Youth Thrive Framework – Center for the Study of Social Policy
- DHSS ‘Play Every Day’ blog
- Zoom for Kids: How to Set Up the Zoom App for Students and Parents
- Social Distancing and Isolation: What to Expect and How to Cope: Helpful information for families from the American Psychological Association.
- Parenting During COVID-19: A bulleted list to stick on the fridge, from Psychology Today.
- How Should Parents Prepare for Coronavirus, School Closures, and Getting Anything done?: Key tips for families from EdNavigator.
- Just for Kids: A Comic Exploring the New Coronavirus: An infographic and 3-minute listen from NPR.
- Kids and COVID-19: What Parents Should Know: There’s no need for alarm when it comes to your kids, from Yale School of Medicine.
- Eleven Questions Parents May Have About Coronavirus: Can I take my kid to the playground or on the subway? Should my child be tested? We asked experts, by the NY Times.
- Talking to Children about COVID-19: A parent resource by the National Association of School Psychologists.
- Helping Children Cope With Emergencies: Regardless of your child’s age, he or she may feel upset or have other strong emotions after an emergency, from the CDC.
- Calming Anxiety: Helpful expert tips and resources for calming anxiety, from the Anxiety and Depression Assoc. of America.
General Resources
- Molly of Denali – The official PBS Kids website with new episodes, games, activities, podcasts, and more!
- J.K. Rowling Announces ‘Harry Potter at Home’ Site With Magical Crafts and Activities for Everyone Stuck Inside
- Search Institute – Building Developmental Relationships During the COVID-19 Crisis
- TED-Ed Videos in various subjects. Includes slides and discussion questions, promotes deep thinking and family discussion.
- Documentaries
- Indigenous Films
- PBS KIDS Video Available on mobile, tablet and connected TV devices, PBS KIDS offers on-demand educational videos and a live stream of the PBS KIDS 24/7 channel. No subscription is required.
- PBS KIDS Games APP Includes nearly 200 educational games, which can be downloaded for offline play anytime, anywhere. Learn more about this and PBS KIDS’ other apps at
- PBS Learning Media is a free resource that offers resources for PreK-12 educators and families. The site has tens of thousands of state-curriculum aligned digital learning objects that support both classroom and distance learning. The content is searchable by grade level, curriculum area, state, and national standards and it integrates with Google Classroom and Remind. The site pulls from the best of public media content as well as content from NASA, the American Archive, the Library of Congress and more.
- 10 Free Learning Websites for Kids
- Amazing Educational Resources – Education Companies Offering Free Subscriptions Due to School Closings
- Khan Academy Schedules for School Closures – Free Academic Courses for PK-12
- Learn in Color – blog site listing hundreds of online resources
- Resources for Educators, Parents, and Students – AFT ShareMyLesson
- Scholastic Learn at Home – Cross-curricular learning activities for PreK- Middle School
- Walt Disney Imagineering Partners With Khan Academy to Bring You ‘Imagineering in a Box’ – a series of 32 videos in which Imagineers share how they use a wide range of skills – from story development and conceptual design to math, physics, and engineering – to create immersive experiences. The online curriculum aims to ignite curiosity, inspire creativity, and encourage innovation in the minds of students and teachers alike while creating fun and engaging opportunities to explore new concepts.
- Netflix Party synchronizes video playback among a group of viewers and adds group chat to Netflix shows so you can host synchronized class program viewing or a TV watch party with family and friends.
- COVID-19 Grocery Shopping Tips
- Yale’s most popular class ever is available for free online — and the topic is how to be happier in your daily life. Taught by Professor Laurie Santos.
- Visit the State testing site locator page to find a coronavirus testing location near you.
- CDC Self Check Coronavirus Symptoms and Testing guide – How to watch for symptoms and warning signs, know when to seek emergency medical care immediately, and learn how to care for yourself or others.
- Alaska Department of Health and Social Services – Recommendations Regarding the Use of Cloth Face Coverings and how to make DIY face coverings.
Home School Design
- Child Mind Institute: How Mindfulness Can Help During Covid-19 – Tips for calming anxiety during a difficult time
- KQED Mind Shift: Six Age-Appropriate Books and Resources for Teaching Kids about COVID-19 – Adults and children have a lot of questions about COVID-19. These six resources developed by teachers, epidemiologists and global journalists can help deepen a student’s understanding of the topic.
- Child Mind Institute: Supporting Families During COVID-19 – A wealth of resources for educators and familities
- Psychology Today: Parenting During COVID-19 – Advice for how parents can support their kids and themselves at home
- PBS: How You and Your Kids Can De-Stress During Coronavirus – Advice for how parents can support their kids and themselves at home
- 10 Percent Happier: Corona Virus Sanity Guide – Meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks on this page will help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos.
- Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence: Managing Anxiety Around COVID-19 – Between the uncertainty, the real health risks, and the hype, fear and anxiety are feelings that are both valid and common. This resource provides a few ideas for managing those feelings.
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Public Health Resources – These resources will help you think about how an infectious disease outbreak might affect your family— both physically and emotionally—and what you can do to help your family cope in times of public health emergencies.
- Edutopia: Teacher, Interrupted: Leaning into Social-Emotional Learning Amid the Covid-19 Crisis – Advice for how to use evidence-based SEL to support ourselves and our students when we eventually return to school
- Edutopia: Teaching Through a Pandemic: A Mindset for This Moment – Advice for coping through this difficult time.
Informative Articles and Resources for School & District Leaders
- GoPeer: Students from Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley Give Free Tutoring to K-12 Students – pairs vetted college students who attend top-tier universities with students between the ages of 5–18 for 1-to-1 tutoring lessons.
- The 74 Million: Reaching ‘Our Most Invisible Population’ During a Pandemic – How Schools are Scrambling to protect homeless students as Coronavirus discrupts lives
- Forbes: Hard Reset: What Will Be New Post Pandemic – What might education look like on the other side of this crisis?
- CRPE: The Latest From a Nationwide Survey: Districts Continue Toward Online Learning – Data showing that “most districts are still not providing any instruction.”
- Uncommon Schools: What we’re learning about remote learning – During this massive undertaking, three important principles guided our work. They are shared here.
- NPR: K-12 Schools Try to Salvage the School Year By Teaching Remotely – NPR’s Rachel Martin talks to NPR Education Correspondent Cory Turner and Sonja Santelises, CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools, about navigating from classrooms to computers.
- Forbes: One School’s Focus on Student Agency Has Prepared Students for At-Home Learning Amid COVID-19 – Interview with Scott Frauenheim, CEO of Distinctive Schools, about what made Distrinctive more prepared to handle remote learning in the midst of Coronavirus.
- The 74 Million: Districts’ Early Plans – Article about the top 12 districts across the US share their early plans for teaching, learning, and supports during the pandemic.
- HundrED: Quality Education for All During Coronavirus – Health officials are currently taking steps to prevent the introduction and spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) into communities across the world. The pandemic situation is affecting the lives of many students, families & communities. This toolkit is compiling stories and solutions from schools around the world doing their best for students.
- Teach for America: Principals without a Playbook – A short article on how school leaders are working to support their students and teachers and keep learning going while schools are closed because of the coronavirus.
- Charter School Growth Fund: Approaches to instruction by schools during closure – A summary of strategies from schools around the country.
- Ford Foundation: Top Foundations Pledge Flexible Funding to Grantees in Wake of COVID-19 Crisis – List of funders pledging to give flexible funding in coming days, weeks, and months.
- EdWeek Market Brief: Feds Give E-Rate Applicants New Flexibility to Get Help From Vendors – Updates on regulations related to tech and tech infastructure vendor relationships.
- EdWeek: Status of State Testing Across States – List of states that are seeking waivers, delaying, or canceling testing.
- EdWeek: Schools and Coronavirus – Relevant news, information, and resources on how schools are being impacted by Coronavirus.
- Future Ed: Tracking State Legislation in Response to the Coronavirus – Even as some states have postponed their legislative sessions, at least 46 bills and resolutions in 15 states plus Washington D.C. have been introduced to provide support for the education sector in light of the virus.
- Excel in Ed: State by State Snapshots – The following map and database provide state-by-state updates on actions education systems have taken in response to COVID-19.
- EdNC: ‘A collaborative process’ — Advice from one school district on creating a coronavirus preparation plan – An article about Guilford County Schools (North Carolina) school closure plan
- EBSCO: Information and free resources for schools and libraries impacted by Covid-19 – Free content curated specifically for schools and public libraries. Includes free content to support distance learning, study guides and flash reviews in PDF format to help students prepare for exams, and activities to keep kids (and their parents) busy while in quarantine
Internet Service Providers
- ACS – Free internet for new customers until the end of the school year.
- ASTAC – Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative Relief Credit – Free internet usage for the month of April.
- GCI – Free Internet through May 31 – for Households Without GCI Internet and Current Customers
- KPU Telecommunications in Ketchikan – increase residential fiber customers speeds, no overages on any internet plan for residential or business.
- MTA – Matanuska Telephone Association eLearning Enablement – Free temporary upgraded service.
- Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – Any federally recognized Tribe or Alaska Native Village may apply for a 2.5 GHz Rural Tribal Window.
- Math teacher resources
- 11 Free Math Sites for Kids: Math Websites for Students – RGS
- 60+ Awesome Websites for Teaching and Learning Math – We Are Teachers
Mental Health
- Child Mind Institute: How Mindfulness Can Help During Covid-19 – Tips for calming anxiety during a difficult time
- *NEW* KQED Mind Shift: Six Age-Appropriate Books and Resources for Teaching Kids about COVID-19 – Adults and children have a lot of questions about COVID-19. These six resources developed by teachers, epidemiologists and global journalists can help deepen a student’s understanding of the topic.
- Child Mind Institute: Supporting Families During COVID-19 – A wealth of resources for educators and familities
- Psychology Today: Parenting During COVID-19 – Advice for how parents can support their kids and themselves at home
- PBS: How You and Your Kids Can De-Stress During Coronavirus – Advice for how parents can support their kids and themselves at home
- 10 Percent Happier: Corona Virus Sanity Guide – Meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks on this page will help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos.
- Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence: Managing Anxiety Around COVID-19 – Between the uncertainty, the real health risks, and the hype, fear and anxiety are feelings that are both valid and common. This resource provides a few ideas for managing those feelings.
- The National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Public Health Resources – These resources will help you think about how an infectious disease outbreak might affect your family— both physically and emotionally—and what you can do to help your family cope in times of public health emergencies.
- Edutopia: Teacher, Interrupted: Leaning into Social-Emotional Learning Amid the Covid-19 Crisis – Advice for how to use evidence-based SEL to support ourselves and our students when we eventually return to school
- Edutopia: Teaching Through a Pandemic: A Mindset for This Moment – Advice for coping through this difficult time.
- Using Zoom for Tele-therapy – Anchorage Community Mental Health Services and Fairbanks Community Mental Health Services are using Zoom to connect with clients. A picture is worth a thousand words, so when possible, we use Zoom to connect with video. We use an encrypted version of Zoom that is compliant with healthcare privacy laws.
- Mobile App: COVID Coach – The COVID Coach app was created for everyone, including Veterans and Servicemembers, to support self-care and mental health during the coronavirus pandemic. Features include education about coping during the pandemic, tools for self-care and improving emotional well-being, graphs to visualize progress over time. Download: iTunes (iOS) or Google Play (Android).
- UAA Psychological Services Center (PSC) is offering free telehealth COVID-19 Coping Sessions for people struggling with sadness, loneliness, anxiety, trouble sleeping, lack of motivation or other behavioral health issues. Call 786-1795 to schedule.
- Careline is free and confidential. Contact us if you are in crisis, you are a survivor (of an attempt, or if you lost someone to suicide), you are grieving, you are concerned about someone, you are feeling down and need someone to talk to. 1-877-266-4357
Non-Profit & Small Business Assistance
Alaska plans to take applications for small-business aid. To apply, a business needs to complete a copy of the business grant application, a copy of the current business license, all documents needed to open a business account with Credit Union 1, and a completed list of “eligible expenses.”
Parent Resources
- Information and free tutoring for families during COVID-19 school closures, including a free Parent Hotline.
- Parenting During Coronavirus: Opportunities to Reconnect and Decolonize
- How Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood Can Help Kids with COVID-19 Questions & Concerns
- Making the Most of COVID-19 School Closures – Neuropsychology & Education Services for Children and Adolescents
- The Parents’ Guide to Google Classroom
Nikon is offering free online photography classes for all of April
Physical & Movement
- – Physical Education Vocabulary for Kids
- The Best Kid Yoga Videos
- Go Noodle – Games to keep kids active while learning, encouraging movement and mindfulness.
- Free Scholastic Lessons
- K-2 curriculum available from storytime from space: reading stories from space. There are videos, materials and other information available.
- 11 Free Reading Websites for Kids from Really Good Stuff
- How to Use YouTube Video Essays in the Classroom – KQED Mindshift
- Kate Messner Favorite Authors & Illustrators Share Resources for Learning Anywhere
- Storyline Online -streams videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books alongside creatively produced illustrations
Remote Teaching
- Global Online Academy: Designing for Online Learning – Our current global context requires developing and implementing remote learning plans when it becomes impossible to keep brick and mortar schools open. Educators may not know how to get started or may want specific strategies to ensure quality online learning experiences for students. Our new course, Designing for Online Learning, is a “nuts and bolts” primer on online teaching and learning for educators.
- LINC Learning: Coronavirus Resource Center – Tools and guides to shift to online learning.
- LINC Learning: Critical tools to support Distance Learning – A slide deck that describes all of their tools for shifting to online teaching.
- Chronicle of Higher Ed: How to Be a Better Online Teacher – Most of the shift to online learning has happened in higher ed. This guide, originally written for higher ed, may be very useful to elementary and secondary education teachers who are now doing the same.
- Education Week: Remember, Online Learning Isn’t the Only Way to Learn Remotely – Article that describes ways teachers can encourage students to learn remotely offline (in addition to the online materials) to build valuable skills.
- ASCD: Transitioning to Online Learning: Pro Tips on What You Need to Know – An article and interview about transitioning to online learning.
Remote Working
- Education First: Making the Most of “Going Virtual” in Response to COVID-19 – Remote work advice from a fully remote education nonprofit.
- 50CAN / TFA: Virtual Retreat Best Practices – Tips and best practices virtual retreats, including planning/design and execution.
- Maven Wave: 7 Best Practices for Working from Home with G Suite – Maven Wave is one of the most successful Google Cloud partners, helping business of all sizes leverage Google Cloud. This is a blog post about shifting to remote work.
- Wethos: Our advice for new remote teams? Prepare to work a little harder. – Advice from founders of a company that is fully remote.
- Nobl Academy: Going Remote Overnight: Preparing for the Coronavirus – Remote work advice from an organization that helps companies transform.
- Child Mind Institute: How Mindfulness Can Help During Covid-19 – Tips for calming anxiety during a difficult time
- 10 Percent Happier: Coronavirus Sanity Guide – Meditations, podcasts, blog posts, and talks on this page will help you build resilience and find some calm amidst the chaos.
- NASA: Tips for Living in Isolation – Some tips from an astronaut about how to live well in isolation, gained from months of living in isolation on a space station
- 50CAN / TFA: Remote Work Norms & Best Practices – We believe that effective remote work comes down to three rules for success: get your work done while taking care of yourself, be available, and overcommunicate.
- Justworks: Tips for Workers and Employers When Working From Home During COVID-19 – This benefits company has published tips for remote working.
- Harvard Health: How to not practice emotional distancing during social distancing – Article about the importance of maintaining relationships during this time of social distancing.
- American Psychological Association: Social Support – How to give and receive social support during social distancing.
- Getting Started with Mindfulness – A guide to beginning mindfulness practices
- Slack: Remote Work Tips – A lot of remote teams use Slack to communicate instead of excessive emailing and meetings.
- Mural: Mural is a digital workspace for virtual collaboration – MURAL enables teams to think and collaborate visually to solve important problems. It’s quick and easy to use in creating diagrams popular in design thinking and agile methodologies, as well as tools to facilitate more impactful meetings and workshops.
- Google For Education: Explore distance learning resources for schools affected by COVID-19 – All of Google for Education’s COVID-19 guides and resources
- Zoom: Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Zoom is a great video conference software that has breakout rooms for smaller discussions.
- EdSurge: How to Work Remotely When Your Office Closes for Coronavirus — Or Any Time – An article with advice on how to shift to remote work.
- Forbes: When Home Becomes The Workplace: Mental Health And Remote Work – Article about working from home and how mental health can be imacted.
Resource Collections
- Common Sense Media: Wide Open School – Common Sense and 25 organizations worked together to collect the best digital learning resources.
- EBSCO: Information and free resources for schools and libraries impacted by Covid-19 – Free content curated specifically for schools and public libraries. Includes free content to support distance learning, study guides and flash reviews in PDF format to help students prepare for exams, and activities to keep kids (and their parents) busy while in quarantine
- LEAP Innovations: Sifting Through the Digital Learning Options – The Most Powerful Personalized Learning Edtech Tools Curated by LEAP
- Teach For America: COVID-19 Teaching Resource Hub – A collection of news stories and resources on COVID-19, advocating for educational equity in the face of COVID, online teaching support, curriculum resources, and school management resources.
- ISTE & Friends: Learning Keeps Going – Curated collection of tips, technology resources, news and expert advice so you can make informed decisions as you provide online learning experiences. There is also a help desk button.
- EdReimagined: Distance Learning Resource Center – Table of resources that are relevant to distance learning. Topics include: For Learning, For Parents, For Educators, For Communities, For Information and Updates on COVID-19, For Lifting Spirits, Additional Libraries of Resources from Other Organizations.
- EdWeek: Schools and Coronavirus – Relevant news, information, and resources on how schools are being impacted by Coronavirus.
- TNTP: Resources for Learning at Home When Schools Close – List of home learning resources and strategies. They are also doing free planning session for system leaders.
- PIE Network: Rapid Response Resources – Library of resources for a range of audiences from system to family level
- Nordic Education: Remote Learning Resources from the Nordic Countries – To support the teachers and parents in this new situation, Nordic countries have opened up their e-learning solutions for the world for free. Here are 40+ remote learning solutions from Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.
- NGLC: School Closures: Practitioner Resources for Teaching & Learning – Thoughtfully curated set of resources for what schools need right now, including communication, next gen learning, equity, SEL, and more.
- New York Times: Coronavirus Resources: Teaching, Learning and Thinking Critically – Continuously updated content related to teaching and learning during school closures.
- The 74 Million: Districts’ Early Plans – The top 12 districts across the US share their early plans for teaching, learning, and supports during the pandemic in this database
School & System Action Plans
- The American School in Japan: Roles and Responsibilities – A breakdown of policy and expectations for all community members during online learning
- Urban Schools Human Capital Academy: A Myriad of Questions – Questions for Human Resources/Human Capital Offices as Schools/Districts/States are Shut Down
- Design Tech: Design Tech’s Distance Learning Plan Overview – Design Tech’s Distance Learning Plan that features a brilliant schedule where students work on 2 courses (AM/PM) each two week period. This allows for deeper learning and less preps for teachers.
- Montessori For All: Distance Learning Plan – Austin, Texas public Montessori charter school’s distance learning plan
- CRPE: District Responses to COVID-19 School Closures – The top 12 districts across the US share their early plans for teaching, learning, and supports during the pandemic in this database.
- Chiefs for Change: Resources for Education Systems – Collection of school closure resources from districts around the country.
- Summit Public Schools: Virtual School Orientation – Video of an orientation to Summit’s Virtual School.
- New York State Education Dept.: Continuity of Learning – The resources listed here by NYSED are provided as options and examples, in an attempt to provide helpful information on the continuity of learning in NYS.
- Success Academy: Remote Learning Framework – A virtual schooling framework for admin and teachers.
- Achievement First: Remote Learning Resources – Learning Resources from Achievement First
- Checklist: One New York charter school’s COVID-19 action plan – Helpful planning checklist for transitioning to distance learning.
- Sun Prairie Area School District: Distance Learning Plan – A distance learning plan focused on building 21st century skills.
- Science Journal by Google – Turn your phone into a lab sensor to collect and analyze data
- Science Mom – A Year of Weekly Science Activities
- Science Mom – Facebook classes and recordings
- Science Curriculum Available For Parents During School Closures – Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program
- Story Time From Space – Story Time from Space is a project of the Global Space Education Foundation. While in space, astronauts videotape themselves reading books to the children of Earth.
- Science Time From Space – Understanding basic science concepts is key to enjoying STEM and the world around you. Astronauts onboard the International Space Station have conducted experiments to explore some basic science concepts. Come explore with the astronauts! Use the arrow beside the Science Time Video Tab to access the videos.
- The Academy for Social and Emotional Learning in Schools is providing resources on the best ways to safely approach COVID-19 while continuing to educate our youth. The articles below focus on the importance of supporting social-emotional learning efforts through distance learning.
- FREE Social-emotional Support by Text Message from Ready4K
- SEL At Home: Remote Learning Options
- ASDN Resiliency Series with Ricky Roberts
- Age-Appropriate Coronavirus Resources – Fairbanks North Star Borough School District
- The ultimate kids’ guide to the new coronavirus – Live Science
- Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus – Child Mind Institute
- PBS – How to Talk to Your Kids About Coronavirus
- PBS – Daniel Tiger Learns to De-stress
- Discussion: Feeling Inside Out?
- SEL Resources for Parents, Educators & School Communities Related to COVID-19
- CASEL developed a resource list for districts, educators, and families for SEL resources to help provide support during this challenging time.
- Social and Emotional Learning Resources from Home
- Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum – The show follows the adventures of Xavier Riddle, his sister Yandina, and their friend Brad as they travel back in time to meet real-life historical figures when they were kids. Use these video clips, teaching tips, and historical figure bio sketches to support students’ social-emotional, literacy, and social studies skills.
Statewide Safety Services
- Anchorage – Abused Women’s Aide in Crisis (907) 272-0100 or (907)279-8581
- Anchorage – Standing Together Against Rape (907) 276-7279 or 1-800-478-8999
- Anchorage – Victims for Justice (907) 278-0986
- Bethel – Tundra Women’s Coalition (907) 543-3455 or 1-800-478-7799
- Cordova – Cordova Family Resource Center (907) 424-5674 or 1-866-790-4357
- Craig – Helping Ourselves Prevent Emergencies (907) 826-2581
- Dillingham – Safe and Fear Free Environment (907) 842-2320 or 1-800-478-2316
- Emmonak – Emmonak Women’s Shelter (907) 949-1443
- Fairbanks – Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living (907) 452-2293 or 1-800-478-7273
- Homer – South Peninsula Haven House (907) 235-7713 or 1-800-478-7712
- Juneau – Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies (907) 586-6623 or 1-800-478-1090
- Juneau – Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (907) 586-3650
- Kenai – Kenaitze Indian Tribe (907)3 35-7600
- Kenai – Leeshore Center (907) 283-9479
- Ketchikan – Women in Safe Homes (907) 225-9474 or 1-800-478-9474
- Kodiak – Kodiak Women’s Resource and Crisis Center (907) 486-6171 or 1-888-486-4264
- Kotzebue – Maniilaq Family Center (907) 442-7879 or 1-888-478-3969
- Nome – Bering Sea Women’s Group (907) 443-5491 or 1-800-570-5444
- Palmer – Alaska Family Services (907) 746-4080 or 1-866-746-4080
- Petersburg – Working Against Violence For Everyone (907) 772-9283 ext. 101 or (907) 518-0555
- Seward – Seaview Community Services (907) 224-5257 or 1-888-224-5257
- Sitka – Sitkans Against Family Violence (907) 747-3370 or 1-800-478-6511
- Unalaska – Unalaskans Standing Against Family Violence (907) 581-1500 or 1-800-478-7238
- Utqiagvik – Arctic Women in Crisis (907) 852-0261 or 1-800-478-0267
- Valdez – Advocates for Victims of Violence (907) 835-2980 or 1-800-835-4044
- Strong Hearts Native Helpline
- Department of Health and Social Services – Report Child Abuse or Neglect 1-800-478-4444
- School Mental Health Resources
- National Domestic Violence Hotline
- How to get a domestic violence protective order
Students with Special Needs
- National Center for Learning Disabilities: Federal Response to Covid-19: What it means for students and families – To keep you as up to date as possible, NCLD is sharing some of the latest developments from Congress and federal agencies that might help your family during this time.
- Educating All Learners Alliance: Educating All Learners Resource Hub – Many different organizations have collaboratively built a resource hub with resources for diverse learners.
- TNTP: Specialized Support for Students with Diverse Learning Needs Engaged in At-Home Learning – Resources for schools and systems to design supports for students with diverse needs
- Tri-County Early College HS: Virtual PBL – This video explains tips and tricks for doing virtual Project Based Learning
- The UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute Autism Team: Supporting Individuals with Austism Through Uncertain Times – A comprehensive new report on supporting individuals with autism through uncertain times.
- Council for Exceptional Children: Webinar: Teaching SPED online during Covid-19 – In this recorded webinar, veteran online instructors help identify steps to move online and strategies for adapting the lessons already in motion to this new format. They share a distilled set of simple, impactful tips as well as resources and tools available to you during the transition.
- Council for Exceptional Children: Covid-19 Considerations for Special Education Administrators – Recorded webinar from leaders in special education on current information about COVID-19 and how special education administrators are navigating. Presenters discuss what we know to date and provide some options for meeting the needs of families and students in your communities.
- National Center for Special Education in Charter Schools: Resources for Educating Students with Disabilities During the Coronavirus – This resource guide is meant to assist educators and school practitioners in developing comprehensive plans for students with disabilities and creating effective and high-quality learning environments for all during this evolving national transition.
- Edutopia: New Strategies in Special Education as Kids Learn From Home – In special education, teachers say that schedules, sensory supports, and close collaboration with families can help smooth the transition to remote learning during coronavirus.
- Special Education home learning packets
- Chrome Alt Achieve – Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs
- Handy Chart Featuring over 30 iPad Apps for Students with Special Needs – Posted in 2016 by Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. Many of the apps are still available.
Technology Teaching Tools
- LEAP Innovations: Sifting Through the Digital Learning Options – The Most Powerful Personalized Learning Edtech Tools Curated by LEAP
- Common Sense Media: Wide Open School – Common Sense and 25 organizations worked together to collect the best digital learning resources.
- Sun Prairie ASD: Digital Learning Applications – A list of digital learning applications including links, descriptions and reviews
- Nordic Education: Remote Learning Resources from the Nordic Countries – To support the teachers and parents in this new situation, Nordic countries have opened up their e-learning solutions for the world for free. Here are 40+ remote learning solutions from Estonia, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden.
- Proctorio: Secure online assessments – A free, online testing tool to ensure the test takers stay within the exam without using any outside information.
- Google For Education: Explore distance learning resources for schools affected by COVID-19 – All of Google for Education’s COVID-19 guides and resources
- Zoom: Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Zoom is a great video conference software that has breakout rooms for smaller discussions.
- Edmodo: Distance Learning Toolkit – Edmodo is a tool where teachers can facilitate learning online (also works on mobile!)
- Kahoot: Distance Learning – Kahoot does checks for understanding and is offering free services during this time
- EdPuzzle: Edpuzzle: a Core Tool During the Coronavirus Closures – Edpuzzle is offering free access to its platform. It is a slick tool where you can upload videos and embed activities and checks for understanding.
- Microsoft Education: How schools can ramp up remote learning programs quickly with Microsoft Teams – A great tool to transition a school and teachers to distance learning.
- Nearpod: Coronavirus: Keep Students Engaged in Learning… Wherever They Are – Nearpod’s guide to creating online lessons using its platform.
- Google For Education: Explore distance learning resources for schools affected by COVID-19 – All of Google for Education’s COVID-19 guides and resources
- Zoom: Support During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Zoom is a great video conference software that has breakout rooms for smaller discussions.
- Edmodo: Distance Learning Toolkit – Edmodo is a tool where teachers can facilitate learning online (also works on mobile!)
- Kahoot: Distance Learning – Kahoot does checks for understanding and is offering free services during this time
- EdPuzzle: Edpuzzle: a Core Tool During the Coronavirus Closures – Edpuzzle is offering free access to its platform. It is a slick tool where you can upload videos and embed activities and checks for understanding.
- Microsoft Education: How schools can ramp up remote learning programs quickly with Microsoft Teams – A great tool to transition a school and teachers to distance learning.
- Nearpod: Coronavirus: Keep Students Engaged in Learning… Wherever They Are – Nearpod’s guide to creating online lessons using its platform.
- We heard one piece of good advice on recording videos: use tools like YouTube (can be unpublished on the main site) and Vimeo because they automatically make videos stream-able on mobile devices and low bandwidth. Sharing the entire video file may slow down access for some students!
- Zoom for Kids: How to Set Up the Zoom App for Students and Parents
- A Family’s Guide to Google Classroom
- Adobe is available Free
- Class Dojo
- Designing your own Facebook classes
- Transforming Schools: A Framework for Trauma-Engaged Practice in Alaska – This framework brings together lessons learned by school staff and community members within Alaska while integrating school-wide trauma-engaged approach to improve academic outcomes and well-being for all students.
- Trauma-Informed Leadership Guide for Leaders from All Sectors and Industries
- Four Core Priorities for Trauma-Informed Distance Learning
- Tools for Training School Staff Trauma Informed Resources
- Best paid and free video conferencing software 2020
- The 10 Best Video Meeting Apps
- The Best Free Video Conferencing Tools
- The Best Video Conferencing Software for 2020
Virtual Field Trips
- Free Uffizi tours from home – visit the gallery virtually
- The Library of Congress offers new ways to engage in the time of COVID-19
- This Virtual Marine Biology Camp for Kids Is Fun and Educational
- Here’s 33 National Park Tours You Can Take Virtually From The Comfort Of Your Home
- 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tours You Can Take on Your Couch (Video)
- NASA makes their entire media library publicly accessible and copyright free
- Frida Kahlo museum
- 15 Broadway Plays and Musicals You Can Watch On Stage From Home PLEASE NOTE: Parents should review the plays listed at the link above prior to making them accessible to children to ensure they are age-appropriate and consistent with your family values.
- Broadway Plays
- Broadway Musicals and Plays – Free for a Limited Time
- 12 Famous Museums Offer Virtual Tour – Travel & Leisure (variety of art, history and science museums with virtual tours)
- 20 Virtual Field Trips to Take with Your Kids – Adventures in Familyhood
- Virtual Field Trips – Freedom Home Schooling
- Animal Live Cams
- National Aquarium
- Take a virtual tour of the Paris catacombs while you wait out the pandemic
Virtual Teaching Tips
- 10 tips to support students with slow internet
- Free Online Learning Resources for Teaching Your Students Virtually – We Are Teachers
- How to Teach Remotely with a Google Slides Hyperdoc – New EdTech Classroom
- Resources & Tips for Remote Education During School Closures – THE Journal
YouTube Educational Videos
Art Videos
- Art for Kids Hub has an enormous range of ‘How to Draw’ videos and art/craft ideas.
- 5-Minute Crafts Play shares craft ideas, experiments, and tricks that you can try together.
- Disney Junior also has a playlist of videos from their Art Attack series.
- Easy Kids Craft has lots of enjoyable craft activities that you can complete.
- Free School has a playlist of videos that can teach your children about famous artists from history.
English Videos
- The Alphablocks are living letters who appear in wonderful videos to help your children learn about phonics and develop their reading skills.
- KidsTV123 has a large playlist of phonics videos that children can watch.
- Fairy Tales and Stories for Kids has lots of animated stories to enjoy. Can your children retell the story to you after they have watched one of the videos?
- BBC Teach has a playlist of English videos to teach your children about punctuation and stories. It also includes ideas for writing, songs and more.
- CBeebies have a playlist of their Bedtime Stories, in which people read popular children’s books. Why not record your own version on a mobile device?
- Watch this collection of book trailers from Scholastic. Could you make a trailer for one of your favorite books?
General Videos
- National Geographic Kids have a playlist of videos that teach children how different things work.
- TheLearningStation has a playlist of songs to use as Brain Breaks when your children need a refresh and recharge before they continue their learning.
- Messy Hands has a selection of easy recipes and cooking videos to try with your children.
- Discuss what is happening around the world by watching this playlist of videos from CBBC’s Newsround program.
- Homeschool Pop has a playlist of timers to use when you would like children to complete a task within a set amount of time!
- Mike’s Home ESL has plenty of games, teaching tips, songs and warm-up activities that you can use with your children!
- Teachers Hub also has a variety of games and songs that you can try together.
Geography Videos
- Learn about the continents around the world with this playlist from National Geographic Kids.
- BBC Teach has a playlist that can help your primary children to learn about different geographical concepts.
- This playlist from Kids Learning Tube is full of videos to teach your children about countries around the world.
History Videos
- The Horrible Histories channel has some funny videos and entertaining songs that children can use to learn about different periods from history.
- This playlist from Happy Learning English has some animated history videos.
- Clarendon Learning has a large playlist of history videos for children.
Maths Videos
- The Numberblocks channel has lots of great videos to help younger children learn about numbers, addition, and subtraction.
- The Numberjacks are a group of superhero numbers who appear in educational videos that cover thinking skills, problem solving and maths.
- The Singing Walrus has lots of songs to teach children about numbers and counting.
- Hopscotch has songs to help your children with counting.
- Mr. DeMaio creates fantastic educational videos, including this playlist of songs to help your children learn their multiplication tables.
- Laugh Along and Learn also have a collection of Times Tables songs that your children can sing!
- This playlist from Happy Learning English has some times tables songs, as well as videos about shapes and measurements.
- Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids have a wide range of videos about different maths topics.
- This playlist from BBC Teach explores how maths is used in different areas of life and work. It also includes videos about a number, measure and shape concepts.
Music Videos
- RelaxDaily has an extensive collection of calming music that your children can play as part of mindfulness activities, or when they are working on other educational tasks.
- Kidz Bop produces child-friendly versions of popular songs. Can your children learn some of the lyrics or dance along with the moves shown in the videos?
- Classical Kids Storytime features children’s stories that are accompanied by classical music.
- Free School has playlists to teach your children about Beethoven and Mozart.
Physical Education Videos
- The Body Coach has a great playlist of ‘5 Minute Move’ videos. These provide short workouts to get your kids moving!
- Little Sports has videos featuring a variety of exercises to help your children stay active at home.
- GoNoodle has videos that teach your children different dance workouts.
- Try different yoga and mindfulness activities with these videos from Cosmic Kids Yoga.
- Footy Pups shares videos to get younger children interested in exercise and to learn different football skills.
Science Videos
- Happy Learning English has a large collection of videos about humans, animals, and plants.
- Learn about amazing animals with this playlist from National Geographic Kids.
- Hopscotch produces many educational videos. This playlist has songs about habitats, the continents, oceans, and planets.
- Operation Ouch produces educational videos about the human body.
- Homeschool Pop has put together a collection of videos that cover a wide range of Science topics.
- SciShow Kids has a wide range of Science videos that answer different questions about the world.
- Science Max carries out huge science experiments. Could your children try similar experiments, but on a smaller scale, at home?