TV Announcements Highlight Innovative District Projects

To illustrate how school districts are working to create transformational change and address fiscal challenges, the Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB), the Alaska Superintendents Association (ASA), eleven districts, and the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) partnered to produce a series of nine 30 second television announcements that aired statewide on Gavel Alaska TV throughout the 2018 Legislative session.

Each of the announcements highlights a different innovative district project, as well as illustrate one of DEED’s Alaska’s Education Challenge five strategic priorities:

  1. Student Learning
  2. Educator Excellence
  3. Modernization and Finance
  4. Tribal and Community Ownership
  5. Safety and Well-Being

All nine TV announcements can be viewed below.

AASB/ASA 2018 #1 Copper River

Featured Project: Variable Term Schedule

AASB/ASA 2018 #2 Lower Kuskokwim

Featured Project: “Two and Done” accelerated teacher certification program.

AASB/ASA 2018 #3 Sitka

Featured Project: Technology use and partnerships, transparent budget model.

AASB/ASA 2018 #4 North Slope

Featured Project: Indigenous learning styles, language preservation.

AASB/ASA 2018 #5 Bering Strait

Featured Project: Using School Climate and Connectedness Survey (SCCS) data to make improvements and move forward.

AASB/ASA 2018 #6 Mat-Su

Featured Project: Dual Credit courses.

AASB/ASA 2018 #7 Anchorage

Featured Project: Data Dashboard.

AASB/ASA 2018 #8 Bristol Bay, Lake & Pen, Dillingham, Southwest Region

Featured Project: Four districts and their partners collaborate to create CTE opportunities for rural students.

AASB/ASA 2018 #9 Bristol Bay, Lake & Pen, Dillingham, Southwest Region

Featured Project: Four districts and their partners collaborate to create CTE opportunities for rural students.

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