2023 AASB School Climate & Connectedness Survey

We invite your district to participate in the 2023 School Climate & Connectedness Survey (SCCS). Each year, the majority of Alaska school districts collect and use school climate data to improve and strengthen school environments, relationships, and connections between students, staff and families.

“We use these results to look at and focus on our needs.”
– Alaska Superintendent 

2023 Statewide SCCS Window: January 16 – March 31

Districts select 1 five-week window for students & staff

Why take SCCS? 

  • Measure student, staff and family perceptions on school climate that are linked to academic outcomes. 
  • Review data trends over time.
  • Compare school and district results to statewide data, urban or rural results, and your school type (elementary, middle, high school or pre/K-12),
  • Identify opportunities for strength and growth to build connection and positive climates.
  • Approved School Climate Survey of the National Center on Safe Learning Environments.
  • Participating districts receive ongoing technical assistance including webinars, 1:1 support, and survey proctor guides.
  • Get support on how to use survey results, including in-person or virtual workshops.

SCCS’s interactive survey platform makes survey administration, reporting and analysis interactive and user-friendly. 

Platform Features include: 

  • Real-time dashboard for participation.
  • Online interactive school & district reports to explore data in a variety of ways.
  • Ability to explore responses by grade level, gender, ethnicity, and other student groups. 
  • Ability to see trends over time.
  • Ability to see responses by group (students, staff, families).
  • Playbook with suggested action steps for topics! 

Contact the School Climate team at sccs@nullaasb.org with any questions.