Making the Most of Your First Term – 2
Are there Standards for Boards like there are for students, teachers and administrators?
Yes, the Association of Alaska School Boards (AASB) Board of Directors adopted a set of Board Standards in 1998. The Framework for Board Standards is Vision, Structure, Accountability, Advocacy and Conduct and Ethics. Each has specific standards that Boards can use as benchmarks for their work. For more information on the Standards see Board Standards.
How can these Standards be used to help improve the work of the Board?
Accompanying Board Standards is a self-assessment tool that can help Boards determine how well their work is aligned to these best practices. The assessment is a great way to start a discussion about how everyone on your Board feels about the work it is doing. Click to link to the Self Assessment.
How do I know if my Board has adopted Board Standards?
Since first developed in 1998, almost all of Alaska’s 53 school districts have adopted Board Standards for themselves. One simple way to determine if your Board has adopted the Standards is to look at your Board Bylaws. Take a look at BB 9020, Board Standards, in your policy manual. If included, your Board has adopted Board Standards.
Can Board Standards help me understand what is and isn’t appropriate in how we perform our responsibilities?
Yes, Alaska’s Board Standards were the first in the nation to include benchmarks for Conduct and Ethics. These Standards call for the Board and its individual members to conduct district business in a fair, respectful and responsible manner.
Should the Board review Board Standards on a regular basis?
Yes, the Standards should be a part of your Policy Review Cycle, Board Orientation and annual Self-Assessment.
Where can I learn more about the Standards and how they relate to the work of the Board?
The Alaska School Board Handbook is a guide to effective leadership focused on Board Standards. The Handbook can serve as a foundation for board orientation and a resource for experienced members. It is interactive, in that it becomes more meaningful when customized to the particular policies, plans and practices of your district.
Published in 2003, the Handbook has been distributed to each participant in the New Board Orientation Program since 1995.
The Board Standards follows:
The Board Creates A Shared Vision To Enhance Student Achievement
1.1 Board develops a dynamic shared vision for education that reflects student needs and community priorities.
1.2 Board keeps the district and community focused on educating students.
1.3 Board demonstrates its strong commitment to vision by using the shared vision to guide decision-making.
The Board Provides A Structure That Supports The Vision
2.1 Board establishes a management system that results in effective decision-making processes and enables all the people to help the district achieve its vision and make the best use of its resources.
2.2 Board ensures that long and short-term plans are developed and annually revised through a process involving extensive participation, information gathering, research, and reflection.
2.3 Board sets high instructional standards based on the best available information about the knowledge and skills students will need in the future.
2.4 Board acts to ensure vision and structure comply with legal requirements.
2.5 Board encourages and supports innovative approaches to teaching, learning, and the continuous renewal of education.
The Board Measures District Performance Toward Accomplishing the Vision and Reports the Results To The Public.
3.1 Board receives regular reports on student progress and needs based on a variety of assessments to evaluate the quality and equity of the educational program.
3.2 Board evaluates the superintendent and board performance annually and reports the result to the public.
3.3 Board ensures long and short-term plans are evaluated and revised with the needs of students in mind.
3.4 The board uses an understandable format to periodically report district performance to the public.
The Board Champions The Vision
4.1 Board leads in celebrating the achievements of students and accomplishments of others who contribute to education.
4.2 Board advocates for children and families and establishes strong relationships with parents and other mentors to help support students.
4.3 Board establishes partnerships with individuals, groups, and organizations to promote educational opportunities for all students.
4.4 Board promotes school board service as a meaningful way to make long-term contributions to the local community and society.
4.5 The board is proactive in identifying and addressing issues that affect the education of students.
The Board And Its Individual Members Conduct District Business In A Fair, Respectful, And Responsible Manner
5.1 Board and its individual members act in a manner that reflects service to the community on behalf of students.
5.2 Board demonstrates a commitment to continually improving teamwork, problem-solving, and decision-making skills through a conscious program of board development.
5.3 Expenditures for board activities are clearly identified in the budget, related to the district vision, and open to public scrutiny.
What are the Standards for Administrators and Teachers?
The Frameworks for Administrator and Teacher Standards are shown below. Visit the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development’s website at to see performances that reflect the attainment of the Standards.
Administrator Standards
1. An administrator provides leadership for an educational organization.
2. An administrator guides instruction and supports an effective learning environment.
3. An administrator oversees the implementation of curriculum
4. An administrator coordinates services that support student growth and development.
5. An administrator provides for staffing and professional development to meet student learning needs.
6. An administrator uses assessment and evaluation information about students, staff and the community in making decisions.
7. An administrator communicates with diverse groups and individuals with clarity and sensitivity.
8. An administrator acts in accordance with established laws policies, procedures and good business practices.
9. An administrator understands the influence of social, cultural, political, and economic forces on the educational environment and uses this knowledge to serve the needs of children, families and communities
10. An administrator facilitates the participation of parents and families as partners in the education of children.
Teacher Standards
1. A teacher can describe the teacher’s philosophy of education and demonstrate its relationship to the teacher’s practice.
2. A teacher understands how students learn and develop, and applies that knowledge in the teacher’s practice.
3. A teacher teaches students with respect for their individual and cultural characteristics.
4. A teacher knows the teacher’s content area and how to teach it.
5. A teacher facilitates, monitors, and assesses student learning.
6. A teacher creates and maintains a learning environment in which all students are actively engaged and contributing members
7. A teacher works as a partner with parents, families, and the community.
8. A teacher participates in and contributes to the teaching profession.