Fly-In Focus: Mastering Meetings with Roberts Rules
By Ann Macfarlane, Professional Registered Parliamentarian, Jurassic Parliament
Ann Macfarlane (center) at the AASB Fly-In with Lon Garrison and Timi Tullis.
On the first evening of my exciting trip to Alaska this month, Lon Garrison and Timi Tullis treated me to dinner. We spent the entire evening in energetic discussion of Robert’s Rules and meeting management. Lon’s wife shook her head when he got home and said, “You should call yourselves the G2 Club—the Governance Geeks!” At the Jurassic Parliament workshop for the Association of Alaska School Boards, we marked our name badges accordingly.
Governance geeks will love this fabulous blog!
If you are a governance geek too, you will love a fabulous new blog by Sarah Merkle, “The Law of Order.” Sarah represents clients nationally as a lawyer and parliamentarian with the firm Bradley. She writes blog postings with an instinct for the jugular and a wicked sense of humor. Check out this link and subscribe for clarity and insight you will find indispensable.
It was an honor to work with the 60 representatives from Alaska’s school boards. They are deeply committed to holding meetings right, in order to serve their students. AASB has invited me to publish a monthly article in their fine electronic publication, Commentary. Let me know if you would like to reprint any of our articles in your newsletters. We are happy to give permission on request.
Ann Macfarlane’s Fly-In After Workshop Handout >
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