Partnering for Student Success

Lon Garrison, Executive Director

Partnering for Student Success,” is a call to action that goes beyond our immediate roles and responsibilities. It is a theme that urges us to join forces and advocate for the adequate funding of public education, for the benefit of our students, our educators, and the future of our great state.

The impact of inflation on the operational costs of our schools, combined with the lack of strategic and long-term investment in public education, cannot be overstated. As prices have risen, our budgets have been strained, and the quality of education we can provide is put at greater and greater risk every day. Adequate funding is not a luxury; it is a necessity. It is what allows us to keep our classrooms equipped with the required resources for effective learning, modern technology, qualified educators, and an environment conducive to learning. We must collaborate to ensure that our students have access to the tools they need in this rapidly changing world.

A thriving educational system begins with dedicated and qualified educators. Teacher retention and recruitment have become critical challenges that require our immediate attention. To attract and retain the best educators, we must advocate for competitive salaries, robust professional development opportunities, and a supportive work environment. We must stand united in our commitment to those who will educate our future workforce and leaders.

Furthermore, our aging school facilities demand urgent consideration. Maintenance and repairs cannot be delayed indefinitely. We must ensure that our students are learning in safe and inspiring environments. Neglecting our infrastructure jeopardizes not only the physical safety of our students but the very essence of a conducive learning environment.

Beyond the tangible structures, AASB believes the success of our students hinges on the programs and support systems we can provide. Adequate funding and skilled staff enable us to implement comprehensive initiatives that address the social and emotional well-being of our students. Through partnering and collaboration, AASB works to support a holistic approach to education that goes beyond test scores and academic achievements.  AASB works to assist you as school boards to create a learning environment where students can thrive and grow.

Investing in education is an investment in Alaska’s future workforce. As educational leaders, we play a pivotal role in shaping the next generation. By providing our students with a well-rounded education, we are preparing them to contribute meaningfully to our state’s economic growth, innovation, and competitiveness. We are nurturing the future architects of Alaska’s success.

In conclusion, let us recognize the power we hold collectively to influence change. Our advocacy in the coming months for adequate funding is not just for the benefit of our schools but for the prosperity of our entire state. Together, let us be partners in creating a future where every student receives an excellent education every day. AASB stands ready to support your advocacy in the coming legislative session. I personally thank you for your commitment to the success of your students and the possibility of a bright future for Alaska.