Board Standards
In Alaska, school districts have embraced Board Standards as an appropriate process for ensuring that our public school students achieve the very best academic success possible.
By using the standards to influence behavior, every board member will become a role model, districts will function as a governance model, and students will be well-served.
Board Standards – A Framework for Alaska School Boards
Why are Board Standards Important?

Timi Tullis
Associate Executive Director
What is the “big deal” about implementing standards for board members in our local district? Why would we even want to take on another task when we already have so much to do? After all, we were each elected by a majority of voters, and that implies that they trust us to do the right thing. Or does it?
We mandate education for our children. We believe that education is as critical to their well-being as safety, nutrition, and shelter. We take ALL children, no matter what their physical or mental condition, economic or ethnic background and provide them an education to excel.
If we are to continue this great tradition of being able to provide a quality education, governed by locally elected officials, we must reestablish the public’s confidence in our ability to oversee that system. An immediate step is for local school boards to adopt standards for ourselves. It is not a matter of taking on one more task. It is a matter of standing in front of the electorate and taking responsibility for our actions. I’ve not met an Alaskan school board member who didn’t have the best interest of their students first. Let’s share that with our communities.
The Association of Alaska School Boards has created a framework for use in local districts. Each board Standard is directly tied to our purpose as board members–Student Achievement. I encourage you to read those standards again and relate them to the wonderful work occurring in your own district.
The board creates a shared vision to enhance student achievement.
The board provides a structure that supports the vision.
The board measures district performance toward accomplishing the vision, and reports the results to the public.
The board champions the vision.
The board and its individual members conduct the business of the district in a fair, respectful and responsible manner.